Ellie's List of Do's and Don'ts
Hey Friends! Here is a quick list I've compiled for clients (or potential clients) of escorts. DO read the escorts online profiles / advertisement / website. All of it. Properly. Don't just skim through it and assume you know all the details. Every provider is different - we have different rates, services, require different things for screening, some work particular hours, some require deposits - I can go on and on, you get the picture. DON'T ask your providers for a discount. Sometimes, people don't always see what exactly goes into a booking. It takes time to prepare for a booking, even if you're only visiting for 15 minutes. We need to make sure our incall is spick and span; cleaning, sanitising, bedding, washing, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the toilet etc. As well as ensuring the location is perfect, we spend time making sure we look the part - showering, shaving, blow-drying our hair, doing our hair, make up, finding the perfect outfit. If you require any sp...