Ellie's List of Do's and Don'ts

Hey Friends!

Here is a quick list I've compiled for clients (or potential clients) of escorts. 

DO read the escorts online profiles / advertisement / website. 

All of it. Properly. Don't just skim through it and assume you know all the details. Every provider is different - we have different rates, services, require different things for screening, some work particular hours, some require deposits - I can go on and on, you get the picture.

DON'T ask your providers for a discount.

Sometimes, people don't always see what exactly goes into a booking. It takes time to prepare for a booking, even if you're only visiting for 15 minutes. We need to make sure our incall is spick and span; cleaning, sanitising, bedding, washing, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the toilet etc. As well as ensuring the location is perfect, we spend time making sure we look the part - showering, shaving, blow-drying our hair, doing our hair, make up, finding the perfect outfit. If you require any specifics, remember this can also take preparation - for example, if you want a GS or Greek.

On top of this, it costs money to maintain ourselves for you. Looking great and being able to provide the service we do can add up when you take into account things like paying for the hotel, hair appointments, nails, eyelash extensions, lingerie and outfits, heels, toys, linen, towels, make up, tanning.. Get the idea? So even if you're only staying for half an hour, chances are we'll be getting ready to see you for at least one hour before you even arrive! 

DO be specific with your enquiry.

Without being too graphic. Make an effort when you contact us, and be specific about your needs. This includes any kind of accessibility needs, too. Generally, the first message should at least indicate the preferred time, date, the kind of service you're looking for and your name. We don't need to know in great detail what we'll be doing with our genitals. 

DON'T ask us personal details.

Like our real name or about our families. Don't ask if we live at our incalls, or if we live alone. Don't ask us what the worst thing that happened at work was. If we want to share this information with you, we will.

DO treat us like human beings.

Because we are. We're not pieces of meat to be thrown around and disrespected. If we seem uncomfortable or in pain, stop what you're doing and check on us. We have feelings. Don't abuse us if we can't fit you in / not available when you need / don't provide the services you want. If you decide to leave a review, please ensure it's centred around performance, attitude and facts, there is no reason to rate our bodies based on your beauty standards, it's really rude. Even better, send your review to us to use on our advertising.  

I think this list is really quite simple and in a lot of cases, it's common sense; but I've noticed when people are excited or caught up in the moment, they forget how important manners are, and that a little effort can go a long way. I know that for me, I love getting polite and informative enquiries - so much so that it actually really excites me to meet you and makes the meeting all the better! My service is really based on connection, so if I feel you, I feel you. 

There's nothing better than an organic and genuine encounter where two people can really enjoy themselves. This is how that begins.


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